Monday, April 7, 2008

Classroom management and computer rooms

I found that the most efficient way to keep kids on track of what they have to do on a computer is to give clear specific rules and objectives before even having them touch a keyboard. It is also important to include the consequences which will be delt if anyone is caught deviating from the course plan. Of course, if you use computers as a regular resource in your class and extensife periods of time for a same project, some student may feel the temptation to look around on the internet and spend more time socializing. In this case, certain computer applications which allow you to monitor what students our viewing with out their knowledge may be practical. However, simply moving around the room and guiding the students seems more ethical and constructive to me. I experienced these techniques first hand in my practicum. Students were all well behaved and stayed on topic. Perhaps we should give them a bit more credit and not judge all student for the actions of only a few.

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